
How to install phpMotion under a subdirectory?

With our phpMotion hosting package you will never be on your own. Our expert phpMotion technical support team will make sure that you have a bug-free and secure phpMotion installation in less than 10 minutes, completely free of charge. The phpMotion Installation can be requested from the client’s area -> Get Support section -> Submit Support Ticket.

We will show you how to complete phpMotion installation under a subdirectory. The steps explained here should be completed after the initial setup of the script is set. Please check also “How to manually install phpMotion”.

After you complete the initial setup of the script under which will be public_html/motion directory there are a few extra things which you should take care of in order for the upload functions to work.

The files which should be edited are:

public_html/motion/ cgi-bin/


public_html/motion/ audio_uploader_conlib.php

public_html/motion/ uploader_conlib.php


As you have the script downloaded on your computer already you should edit the above mentioned files with your favorite text editor. The following one is recommended for editing any web application scripts NotePad++.

Edit the files as follows:



temp_dir => $ENV{‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’} . ‘/motion/temp/’,

upload_dir => $ENV{‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’} . ‘/motion/uploads/avi/’,

redirect_url => ‘/motion/uploader_finished.php’,

path_to_upload => ‘/motion/uploads/avi/’,



$path_to_upload_script = ‘/motion/cgi-bin/’;

$path_to_ini_status_script = ‘/motion/cgi-bin/’;


RewriteBase /motion

After the files are modified as explained above you should upload these to their respective location. This should result in a functional phpMotion installed under a subfolder.

If you would prefer to use the application as it is without any editing instead of using:

you may create a subdomain:

This way the script installation will be located under the www root of the subdomain and no further editing will be required. You may review our cPanel tutorials – Create a Subdomain for details on how to manage that function.