
CS-Cart search engine optimization

CS-Cart search engine optimization
  • How to install CS-Cart?
  • CS-Cart Administration overview
  • How to create and manage categories in cs-cart?
  • How to configure CS-Cart to use ssl?
  • How to create and manage products in CS-Cart?
  • How to manage payment methods in cs-cart?
  • CS-Cart search engine optimization
  • How to manage shipping settings in CS-Cart?
  • How to change themes in CS-Cart?
  • How to create a backup of your cs-cart store?
  • CS-Cart introduction
  • CS-Cart Basic Configuration

Even if you have the best website with top products in it, people need to hear about it somehow and direct advertising is not the only way. That is why many users of CS-Cart want to activate the SEO option, offered by the script as well as use search engine friendly URLs. With the older versions of this eCommerce software it was necessary to do this manually, but with the latest release it comes activated by default. In this part of the tutorial we are going to show you how you can access the SEO Settings, so you can manage them further according to your needs.

First, you would need to access your Administration Panel by logging into it. Then, go to Add-ons at the top of the page. After that select the Manage add-ons from the drop-down menu:

CS-Cart search engine optimization

It will lead you to the main Add-ons section. You need to search for the SEO one and in order to find it (they are arranged alphabetically) you need to scroll down the page:

CS-Cart search engine optimization

When you find the SEO add-on, hover over it and at the right side, you will see a gear button. When you hover on it a Settings option will appear, which you need to select:

CS-Cart search engine optimization

That will redirect you to the SEO Settings page, where you can amend any of them according to your needs and after you are finished you would only need to press the Save button at the bottom to implement the changes:

CS-Cart search engine optimization