
How to transfer aTutor website?

In order to transfer your aTutor website, you must copy your website files and your site database. You can easily copy the files using an FTP client like FileZilla. You can follow our video FTP tutorials here:

To make the files accessible via web, you should upload the files in the /public_html/ directory or in a subfolder of the same.

The next step is to export your site database. You may export the site database with a database management tool like phpMyAdmin. You can follow our step by step video tutorial on how to export the database here:

The next step is to create new database via your cPanel. You can easily create it using the MySQL Database Wizard. Simply follow the steps on the screen. Once the database is created import the exported copy of the site again via phpMyAdmin. To import the database you may follow our video tutorial here:

The last step is to update the configuration file of your aTutor. The config file is located in:


Change the following lines with your own database details:

define(‘DB_USER’, ‘db_user’);
define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘password’);
define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’);
define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘db_name’);

define(‘AT_CONTENT_DIR’, ‘/home/tmduser/public_html/content/’);

Change db_user, password and db_name with the actual database details that you have created. In the last line update the path to your aTutor content folder. Save the file and upload the updated version of that file. Your site transfer has been successfully completed.