
How to install phpBB manually?

Having phpBB as the script, with which to build your online forum project is considered by many to be the best choice, as it offers extensive options, it is easy to manage and has huge and active community.   In the previous section of this tutorial we covered the how to install phpBB automatically. In this section […]

How to manage users and groups in phpBB?

As we have discussed in the Introduction part of this tutorial, there are many reasons why phpBB is the most widely used script for online forums. Not the least of it is the fact that it is designed to be extremely user friendly. In this section of the tutorial we are going to cover the ways to […]

How to install styles in phpBB?

PhpBB is one of the very best scripts for creating online forums. As we covered some of the administrative functions and settings in this tutorial already, here we are going to focus on enhancing its appearance. Even though the layouts, which phpBB offers, are with a similar general structure, there are a variety of themes available, which […]

How to install languages in phpBB?

PhpBB is the World’s most used online forum platform not only because of its amazing features, ease of use and outstanding support and involvement in its upgrading from its community, but also because it offers its users the ability to use it in a variety of different languages.   Here, we are going to cover in […]

How to install phpBB automatically?

PhpBB is one of the most widely spread and used platforms for Internet forum in a global scale. Its popularity is due to a variety of reasons, not the least, because it provides a great variety of features and is constantly improved not only by its initial developers, but by its outstanding community as well. […]

phpBB Administration

PhpBB’s popularity, which we discussed in the Introduction part of this tutorial, does a good job in outlining the reasons behind its widespread usage.   In this section, we are going to cover in detail how to access the Administration Control Panel and where to find the basic settings.   In order to access your administration area, go […]

How to create a backup of phpBB?

Building your online forum platform using our phpBB hosting packages can give you great advantages, as it has a vibrant supportive community, which enhances its development, together with all the useful features it offers. Your long-term success, however, is based on being able to store the information generated by your users and creating a backup in case […]

How to upgrade phpBB 2 to phpBB3?

The latest version of phpBB 2 was released in 2008 and the developers of the script are no longer supporting it. There are regular upgrades, however, for the phpBB3 version and we highly recommend to all of our customers to upgrade to the newest version as fast as possible if they haven’t done so already, […]

How to keep phpBB secure?

When speaking about security, you should have in mind that phpBB is an open source software, which means that its code can be accessed by everyone. On the other hand, it is the opinion of many experts that paid scripts are as vulnerable as the open source ones nowadays, due to the widespread piracy to get the […]

phpBB Introduction

PhpBB is a great script for online forums and is one of the most widely used ones worldwide. A great advantage is that it is totally free to both download and use, due to the fact it is fully open-source. It includes many amazing features for managing Internet discussions and that is one of the factors, […]