
How To Create Articles In Joomla?

For anyone interested in publishing Articles, Jooma provides numerous features and customizations, but an Article may also be created in just a few steps.  To create an article on Joomla 3, first, access the Administrative area of the website. Once there navigate to Content -> Articles -> Add a New Article: The “Content” tab will […]

How to create menus in Joomla

How to create menus in Joomla When it comes to creating menus, you will find that Joomla has it all organized and easy to achieve. To begin, you would need to be logged into your Joomla’s administrator dashboard. In case it has not been changed, the login URL should be, where you would need […]

How To Create a Contact Page?

Next, a “Contact us” page with an online mail form will be added. First, to create a new Contacts Category, so go to Components -> Contacts -> Categories: Click on [New]. Because of our plan to have a simple Contact Us page, we will create one single category called “General” and click on [Save]. As you […]

How to backup Joomla

How to backup Joomla Having a backup of your website is always a good idea. Especially when you are about to make major updates to your website, its version or components. Let’s start by getting a backup of the website’s database. In case you are not sure which one is the correct database for your […]

How To Link Articles To The Menu?

Now, to make sure that our pages can be accessed, so we will link them in the site menu. From the admin panel, go to Menus -> Main Menu. Firstly, we delete all the default links. To select all links, check the first radio button and click on Trash. (You can safely disregard the warning that will appear “You […]

How to activate the default Joomla cache

How to activate the default Joomla cache By default, Joomla is not configured to cache any content. The good news is that Joomla does have a built in caching setting, which can be easily activated through the Joomla administrator dashboard. To begin, you would need to be logged into your Joomla’s administrator dashboard. In case […]

How To Set A Default Page?

As we are still in the Menu Item Manager, set the page “About us” as default. We check its radio button for this purpose and click on [Default] from the top menu: Now, as an option we can remove the system placed link “Home” as well, because it will not be necessary. Next, we will […]

How do I login to my Joomla website

How do I login to my Joomla website Your Joomla website has two different logins. One on the front end of the website, where you can login as a user, and the other is for your Joomla dashboard, where only the administrator can access. In case you just wish to log into your website as […]

How To Create A Poll?

Now to find out what are visitor’s opinions toward our new site, we will place a poll. To do this, we choose Components -> Polls from the top menu: We will click on [New] from the top-right menu to create a new poll. We will call the poll: “Your opinion about our site”. We will list all […]

Joomla Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

If you want to have the website better indexed by the search engines, such as Google andYahoo, the pages must have meaningful names. For this purpose we will use Joomla’s SEO feature. You will have to enable mod_rewrite if you want to use SEO for your Joomla installation. Mod_rewrite by default enabled on all TMDHosting servers and, you will […]