
Multilingual content in Drupal

Multilingual Content in Drupal The Multilingual content in Drupal allows you to easily translate the whole application, starting from its core configuration, up to the interface and content of your Drupal-based website. The Multilingual content is separated into four categories: – Configuration Translation: Allows you to to translate the core configuration text of the Drupal […]

Managing Users, Roles and Permissions in Drupal

Managing Users, Roles and Permissions in Drupal In this article, we will discuss on how you can easily create and manage Users, Roles and set permissions to them. In Drupal, you can manage Users and their associated Permissions by using the "People" section of the Administrative Panel. Once logged into the Administrative Panel of the […]

How To Upgrade Drupal

How To Upgrade Drupal In this article, we will discuss how you can upgrade your Drupal application to a newer Major version. As most popular CMS applications Drupal has built-in PHP scripts which could be executed through the Composer package manager in order to upgrade the version of Drupal. In order to use Composer, you will […]

How to update Modules in Drupal

How to update Modules in Drupal In this article, we will discuss on how to update the Modules of your Drupal-based website. Updating the Modules of your Drupal application is an essential step in keeping your website in a good health. Usually updates provide better functionallity and fixes of bugs regarding the modules you are […]

How to optimize Drupal

 How to optimize Drupal In this article, we will discuss how you can optimize your Drupal-based website in order to increase its performance. Drupal as one of the most popular CMS applications can become slow if not maintained properly. That is why you might need to check the following options that can optimize your Drupal […]

Drupal Introduction

Drupal is a free, open-source CMS (Content Management System) application built on PHP. It is a powerful solution for creating various online projects starting from personal blogs, through corporate platforms all the way up to political and governmental websites. The script was first written and released by Dries Buytaert in 2001 and it was focused […]

How To Create Drupal Blocks

How to Create Drupal Blocks In the following article, we will discuss how to create blocks in your Drupal application. Blocks are a large part of your site's web page layout as they are placed in the regions of your theme. They can be created, rearranged or removed inside the Block layout option in the […]

How To Create Articles In Drupal 8?

In the following article, we will discuss how to create articles inside your Drupal-based website.  The main difference between an Article and a Basic page is that you have the ability to add images inside an Article. The first step would be to login inside your administrative account. Once inside, you would need to navigate […]

How to Create a Forum in Drupal

How to create a Forum in Drupal Drupal as one of the popular CMS applications comes with a core module that allows for the creation of a Forum inside the Drupal-based website. In this arcticle, we will look further as to how you can create a Forum inside your Drupal website. The first step is […]

How To Create Basic Pages In Drupal 8?

In the following article, we will discuss how to create Basic Pages in your Drupal-based website. Basic pages are mostly used for your static pages, like an “About Us” page for example. In order to proceed, you would first need to access the administrative account of your website. Once logged in, you would need to […]