How to Create Notifications and Announcements?
You can manage your course, apply exercises and create announcements and assignments via the tool list of every course. To access the tool list of the desired course you should click on its name from your home page under the ”my course list” as son as you logged in: The agenda tool provides the functionality […]
Claroline Introduction

Claroline is released under Open Source license e-learning platform not only used by schools and universities, but also by training centers, associations and companies. The platform is customizable and offers a flexible and custom-made working environment. With Claroline you will be able to create and administer courses and collaboration spaces online. Each course space provides […]
How to Install Claroline LMS?
With this Claroline hosting package you will never be on your own. Our expert Claroline technical support team will make sure that you have a bug-free and secure Claroline installation in less than 10 minutes, complete free of charge.The Claroline installation can be requested from the client’s area -> Get Support section -> Submit Support […]
How to Create Courses in Claroline?
In order to create a new course on Claroline you should fist login via the home page. Logged with the administrative username and password you will be provided with several options on the bottom of your home page. Please click on the Create a course site link to proceed with the creation process. On the […]
How to Subscribe to Courses in Claroline?
When you login your Claroline you can enroll on a new course via the Enroll on a new course link on the bottom of your page. Select the desired course category and click on the pencil icon next to the desired course in order to enroll Then you can click on Back to my personal […]
How to Create Exercises and Assignments?
To add exercises to your course, please click on the Exercises link on the left. On the new page click on the New exercise link in the start page of the tool. Enter the title and the description of the exercise and choose if the user will see all the questions on a unique page […]
How to Modify your Account Settings?
You can modify your profile personal information and password via the My User Account link. This option is available on your home page as soon as you log in with your account username and password. From My User Account page you can correct your name details, change your username, password and email address. To save […]