
How to install BuddyPress?

With this BuddyPress hosting package you will never be on your own. Our expert BuddyPress technical support team will make sure that you have a bug-free and secure BuddyPress installation in less than 10 minutes, complete free of charge. The BuddyPress free installation can be requested from the client’s area -> Get Support section -> Submit Support Ticket. In this […]

How to allow user/ blog registration?

When you have a newly installed WordPress MU you should allow new users/blog registrations first in order to allow your visitors to create their own blogs. This can be done via the admin area of your WordPress MU. Please navigate to Site Admin -> Options tab Now your visitors can register and create their own blogs […]

How to modify BuddyPress homepage?

The BuddyPress default theme is divided into 3 sidebars. You can modify what information to be displayed on your home page and the exact location by adding the required widgets for the desired side bar. This can be done via your WordPress MU admin panel -> Appearance tab -> Widgets. You should first select the side […]

How to create profile fields and groups?

Your users will distinguish themselves through their profile page. You must give them profile fields that allow them to describe themselves in a way that is relevant to the theme of your social network. By default only the field ”Full Name” is available. You can add additional fields via your WordPress MU control panel -> profile […]

BuddyPress introduction

buddypress logo

BuddyPress is a feature rich plugin for WordPress which greatly extends the functionality of the usual WordPress site. BuddyPress is absolutely free and greatly customizable and helps you build a community website. Your site members will be able to invite friends, create groups and check each others activity feeds, send public and private messages and […]